Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Mimi and Grandpa Visit

We were all lucky to have a visit from Mimi and Grandpa for Finn's first birthday!  It was especially fun to have them here as Finnegan is at such an interactive age and so silly.  We all loved being together.  It was great to celebrate our little guy's first birthday with them.  We enjoyed the start of the spring weather with trips to Old Town, the Park/playground, and the Warsaw Zoo.  It's so nice to have family and friends visit us in Warsaw.  And, we were really appreciative of all of Mimi and Grandpa's help - with the apartment and with Finn.  They even treated mom and dad to a couple of date nights out!  Yeah!  We love you Mimi and Grandpa.  Thanks for making the trip!

Fun afternoon in Old Town

Determined face

Awwwww......so sweet


Thanks for the cool shades!

Someone's keeping Mimi and Grandpa on their toes..

The boys....

Enjoying the playground

Special moments...

Someone loved having Mimi and Grandpa visit

Playtime at the park

Fun times at the Warsaw Zoo