Saturday, January 15, 2011

My Kind of Town

We had the pleasure of having some great visitors over the weekend.  My Aunt Irene came in for the weekend from Miami and my dad came up for a night to drop a few things off before the movers come.  It was so great to have family in town and spend quality time together.  My Aunt helped me run some errands but we also got to fit in some fun Chicago time.  She was quite a trooper in the Chicago weather and didn't complain once about the cold.  We made a trip to Garrett's for some popcorn, explored the new Whole Foods in Lincoln Park (my Aunt works in the health food industry) and had a nice night out at Shaw's Crab House! Thanks for coming to visit Aunt Irene.  Love you.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Euro Learning #1

Tom has been in Europe this week on business.  He was in Amsterdam the first half of the week and Warsaw the latter's a rough life!  : )     His trip has been going well and he seems to be having fun and learning a lot about his new role.  
The first day into his trip he called me with "Euro Learning #1" as he so affectionately called it.  He was headed into his hotel room in Amsterdam at night and could not find the light switch anywhere in the dark room.  He spent a solid 10 minutes feeling his way around the room looking for the switch without any luck.  He finally broke down and called the front desk to ask how to turn the lights on.  For Tom to give in and ask someone is quite a feat.  He quickly learned that in order to turn the lights on he needed to insert his room key into a switch that would activate the lights.  Apparently this is quite common and is done in order to conserve electricity.
I am sure that this will be one of many Euro Learnings that we will experience....some harder to learn than others.  Our goal is to take them all in stride and have some fun along the way!

Euro Learning #1:  Use your hotel room key to turn on lights.