Thursday, November 10, 2011

Polish Independence Day

Tomorrow is a holiday here in Poland....But, it's not Veteran's Day.  It's Polish Independence Day!  Narodowe Święto Niepodległości is a public holiday in Poland celebrated every year on November 11th to commemorate the anniversary of Poland's assumption of independent statehood in 1918 after 123 years of partition by Russia, Prussia, and Austria.  The foundation of the second Polish Republic is considered a key event by many Poles.
Tom, Charlie and I are taking advantage of the long weekend and heading out to the Polish countryside.  : )

Sunday, November 6, 2011

One Year Ago...

It's hard to believe that one year ago today we were in Warsaw for the very first time.  Tom was in the midst of interviewing for his position and we were on our "look see" visit to check out Warsaw and determine if we could see ourselves living here.  It's funny to think back on that trip.  We were both full of so much emotion - excitement, worry, trepidation, stress and more.  We were on the brink of making one major decision!  I think about that trip and how Warsaw looked so "different" to my naive eyes.  In some ways it seems like that trip was only yesterday and in other ways it seems like we have done so much since then.  On our trip the weather was not great - it was cold and rainy.  We have lucked out with our weather this year in comparison.  Right now it is in the mid-50s and the sun has been shining.  The trees are changing color and the parks around us are absolutely gorgeous. 
I wonder if Warsaw will look "different" in even more ways in another year?