Thursday, November 24, 2011


Although, of course, today is not a holiday in Poland.  We are reminded of how thankful we are in life. 

Today, Tom, Charlie and I have so much to be thankful for.....

A family that loves us and supports our decision to live abroad

The adventure and experiences of living in a new country

The ability to travel all over Europe and the wonderful memories we are creating

Th joy that Charlie brings into our life every time he greets us at the door

The perspective that our move has brought both of us

The first snowfall of the season

Getting into a bed with fresh clean sheets

Lazy Saturday mornings

The view of the Palace of Culture from our apartment lit up at night

Tom's 5 minute commute to work

Laughing at ourselves when we have had yet another crazy Polish experience

Polish unpasterized beer, pierogis, and Polish Sausage

All of these things and so many more!
Wishing all of our loved ones a wonderful Thanksgiving celebration!  Sending lots of love from Poland. 

Love  Always,
Sarah, Tom and Charlie

P.S. Even though Poland does not celebrate Thanksgiving we will be celebrating here this weekend with friends!  I am even attempting to make a pumpkin pie from canned pumpkin here in Warsaw.  I picked up a big pumpkin at the farmer's market and roasted it up.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Awesome Thing About Living in Europe # 17

Awesome Thing About Living in Europe #17: NFL Gamepass

One of the hardest things for Tom to leave behind in Chicago were his Chicago Bears season tickets that he shared with friends.  While we still miss the games we are super thankful for NFL Gamepass. This is a subscription based service for NFL fans outside of the US that allows someone to watch any and all NFL games.  You can watch them live or start them whenever you want once the game has started.  The picture clarity is great and you can even choose if you want the game broadcast from the Bears sportscasters or the opposing teams.  This all makes Tom a very happy man!  Our only issue now is that the Bears are doing really well this season so the time of the Bears games keeps getting pushed back so that the games are shown Nationally in the states.  This is bad news for us with the time change.  Those noon Chicago games are perfect - giving us a 7:00pm start time in Warsaw.  Last night's game started at 10:15 pm Warsaw time which made for a late night.  We'll take it though for the opportunitiy to cheer on the Bears all the way in Poland!