Friday, May 27, 2011

Awesome Thing About Living in Europe # 10

Awesome Things About Living in Europe #10:  Fresh Flower Markets

You can find fresh seasonal flowers being sold anywhere and everywhere throughout Poland.  It is fantastic!  When we first arrived it was tulip season, then lilacs and now (my favorite!) peonys are here.  It's so much fun to see what kinds of flowers the markets will have next.  And, the best part is that the flowers are really cheap -- on average between $4-6 USD for a bouquet.  It's a great excuse to always have fresh flowers at home!

On a side note, my parents arrive this afternoon.  So, if  the blog postings are few and far between its because we are out enjoying Warsaw.  : )

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Counting Down!!!

Our first visitors arrive in less than 5 days!!!  We are so super excited to show my mom and dad our new home.  Wishing them safe travels!
We are so grateful that they are coming to visit.  And, we have a bunch of other visitors on the way this summer too....Cousin John, Lauren, Aaron Leavitt, the Consalter's and Tom's mom.  Getting excited!