Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Awesome Thing About Living in Europe #21

Awesome Thing About Living in Europe #21:   1%

It is tax time in Poland right now just like in the states.  And, since we are residents living in Poland we are lucky enough to pay Polish taxes.  ; )  For those that are concerned, don't worry.  There is an agreement in place where we do not have to pay 100% of our  taxes in both countries.  But, the US government is also making sure they get their fare share. 
While filing our taxes we learned about the "1% Program" here in Poland.  This is a program that allows you to donate 1% of your taxes (money that the government is already taking) to any non-profit organization in the country.  A pretty cool concept if you ask me!  Once we learned of this we spent some time going through the list of organization and trying to choose just one...there were a ton of worthwhile causes.  We decided to go with Bread of Life.  An organization that we are familiar with that supports women and children in need throughout Poland.  We also know that Bread of Life has minor administrative costs and almost all of your donation goes to actually help someone. 
Think about the difference the US could make it they adopted a similar 1% Program.  If you've gotta pay taxes it makes a bit easier knowing some of the money is helping out this country!
As a side note, its visitor season here in Warsaw.  Our first set of guests just left and we pick up our next ones tomorrow.  So if blog posts are few and far between please understand that we are out enjoying the sights with friends and family!

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