We need your help, please! We have realized that we are starting to lose touch with the new television and movies in the states. Now, we certainly don't mind spending less time in front of the t.v. But, we do want to catch any good shows and movies that are playing.
I realized that we were "losing touch" when I was catching up with my friend Lauren who mentioned that she had gone to see the movie "Limitless" over the weekend. I had never heard of the movie and had no clue what it was about. It felt sort of odd. Don't feel too sorry for us over here...we have access to American television through our slingbox and most major American movies arrive here in the movie theaters a week or two after they are released in the states (the movies are even played in English). And, we can always rent movies through itunes. But, the only time we really watch television here is when we turn on our pre-recorded shows. Therefore, we don't see a lot of ads for new or upcoming shows. And, movies are advertised here on billboards and posters around the city but they are all in Polish and they also translate the movie titles to Polish so we really have no idea what the movie is about.
So, we are asking for your help. If there is a movie you saw or a new t.v. show that you love...or think we would love....please let us know! Email us, leave us a comment on the blog or shoot us a facebook post. We would GREATLY appreciate it! Many thanks in advance.