We haven't been able to blog as often as we'd like to lately. Things have been PRETTY busy on the Sullivan front as we prepare for the big move. We are learning more than we ever wanted to know about international paperwork and documentation, meeting with the consulate, realtors, appraisers, moving companies, and more... and are trying to take things one day at a time too. Our to do list has 150 things on it, but we are confident that it will all get finished one way or another because it has to. We have also been planning out the calendar for the next few weeks so that things continue to run smoothly. We are fortunate to have some fun visitors (Aunt Irene, Lizzy, Mom & Dad) coming to spend quality time with us after the first of the year. This will be a much needed break between all of the move preparations. To top it off, Tom will be traveling to Amsterdam, Netherlands and Antwerp, Belgium for some work meetings which he is really excited about. With all of the craziness we are also trying to stop and enjoy this ride of life!
And, last but not least, we have an official move date....we will be moving over to Warsaw the weekend of February 12th. So, our first official weekend living in Warsaw will be the weekend of our 4th Wedding Anniversary! Who would have thought 4 years ago when we said "I do" that we would now be moving halfway across the world. It's funny how life works itself out!
Charlie has quite enjoyed us spending so much time at home packing and organizing. He thoroughly enjoys lounging around in his Christmas PJ's (thanks gmomma and grandpa) while we work.