Saturday, February 19, 2011

European Snow Blowing....

No snowblowers here...but an effective snow removal method!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Europe Learning #2

Somehow, Tom and I brought the Chicago winter weather with us.  The week prior to arrival in Warsaw the weather was in the 40's and this week it has been in the Teens and snowing.  But, supposedly the warm weather is coming soon.  While out and about I have been wearing my ear muffs to keep my ears nice and toasty.  And, I have noticed a lot of Polish people giving me a second look.  At first, I assumed it was simply because I am an American.  But, then I started looking for other ear muff wearers....and in my almost week here I have not found a single one!  And, the Poles really bundle up here in the weather...hats, scarfs, gloves, mittens, but...NO earmuffs!  Maybe I'll start importing them and start my own earmuff business, although by the looks I am getting I am not sure how popular it will be.  My earmuffs are keeping my ears warm and my hair looking good, so I have no plans to change my plans.  : )

As a side note, Tom and I had a low key anniversary celebration last night.  We went and picked up kebabs (or k-bobs as the Polish pronounce it) for dinner.  Kebabs are pretty much the Polish version of a gyro sandwich.  Chicken or lamb meat inside of an extra thin pita bread filled with lots of shredded cabbage (surprise surprise!).  They are really delicious and made for a nice quick dinner after a long day at work for Tom.

Europe Learning #2:  The Polsih don't wear earmuffs....or at least I haven't found the ones that do!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Step By Step...

Well, it's offically been 3 days and we are feeling more and more comfortable over here.  I feel like with each passing day we learn something new that helps us feel like we might know a little bit what about what we are doing.  It is truly an odd feeling being in a new country.  I was telling Tom that I feel like I am a little kid again that needs to learn everything...the language, the location, cultural differences (who knew you kiss someone 3 times when greeting them but only if you know them well), and more.  But, we are taking it one step at a time and each day feels like a big accomplishment with as we learn something new or venture into a new area of town. 
Today Tom and I are celebrating our 4 year wedding anniversary!  Who would have thought 4 years ago that we would be living in Warsaw.  : )  To celebrate the occassion I decided I wanted to get Tom a card.  After passing a lot of various stores on walks with Charlie none of them seemed like they sold cards.  In the states, I would have turned to Walgreens or CVS, but here a drug store is literally a drug store...not much more.  So, I asked the concierge at the hotel (who thought I was looking for playing cards for a good 3 minutes).  After we got our communication straight he suggested that I walk to the mall, about 10 minutes away, and go to the stationary store.  I didn't have a chance to go there today because I was out looking at apartments with a real estate agent and it is snowing here and quite cold.  But, I wonder where else in Poland you can buy a greeting card besides a stationary store?  Who knows...we'll figure it out.  This year I'll simply tell Tom how much he means to me.  ; )

Tom has been working hard trying to get settled into the office. He definitely has his hands full trying to understand the personalities in the office, deal with the cultural differences, and clean up a bunch of administration messes.  He got his new laptop for work today and had to call the IT department in France for help...needless to say he was on the phone with them for over an hour and its still not working.  I do have to say that I am really proud of him for taking all of this in stride.  He is chipping away at it a little bit at a time and doing his best to stay calm.  Charlie and I have been walking over to his office every day at lunch time to take a quick walk together.  It is great getting to see him in the middle of the day!

Last night we met up with an International group that we found through facebook.  They hold events every week or so.  We met them for drinks at a trendy bar downtown.  We were both tired, but glad that we went.  We met a nice group of people - some International expats and some Poles who have moved to Warsaw for work.  It was a welcome relief to get some basic help on things like bank accounts with different currency and the cheapest ways to talk to family at home.  It makes it easier talking with people who have gone through the same experiences.

Tom and I are planning a low key night of celebrating our anniversary! 

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

We Made It!

Wanted to let everyone know that we made it safely and soundly to Warsaw!  We took the overnight flight on Sunday night and arrived on Monday afternoon.  The flight was uneventful, except for Tom and I worrying quite a bit about Charlie in the cargo area for pets under the plane.  When we picked Charlie up in the airport he was thrilled to see us and seemed to be just fine...which was a welcome relief.  We then took our 7 bags and Charlie and headed to our short term home- the Westin Warsaw.

The Westin is a great hotel and is located right downtown, only a few blocks from Tom's office (which is really convenient)!  We also were able to get an executive level room which gives us free internet, free breakfast and free cocktails from 5-7pm.  After showering and trying to unpack all of our bags in our room we took Charlie for a nice long walk around the city.  He thoroughly enjoyed all of the new sights, smells and sounds.  He was quite inquisitive.  We went against the Polsih norms and picked up his feces...although it is quite apparent that what we heard is true...the Poles don't pick up after their dogs.  : )

The Westin - Our Interim Home

Charlie checking out his Food

Charlie's New Dog Bed
Then we headed to the 19th floor for our free cocktails.  I enjoyed a glass of champagne and Tom had a glass of red wine to celebrate our arrival.  I could defintiely get use to champagne every day!  We then went out to grab dinner but had trouble finding a spot to eat since it was Valentine's Day and we did not have reservations.  Apparently, the Poles adopted Valentine's Day about 5 years ago and it has been super popular ever since.  At this point we were totally exhausted and hungry, so we headed back to the hotel and grabbed a quick bite at the hotel bar.

Charlie relaxing under the beautiful flowers that Tom brought me home from the market for Valentine's Day!
After an okay night sleep (we both woke up in the middle of the night wide awake)  Tom got ready and headed off to work.  Charlie and I slept in and then went for a walk.  When we woke up we had a quick skype session with my parents, which was great!  We later met Tom at lunch time for a quick walk which was nice. 

It feels great to finally be here and in some ways we still feel like we are in limbo until we are in a real new home (e.g. our apartment).  But, that will come soon enough.  I also feel a bit if I am in the middle of this city with no idea what is going on and where I am. I know that this will change over time as we get more and more adjusted.  Charlie and I have plans for different walks each day to start getting our bearings.

Thank you all for your emails, messages and notes of support!  It means the world to us as we undergo this transition.  Please note that my cell phone number does not work over if you text me or call me on it I will not get it.  We are working on getting me a local cell phone this stay tuned.  And, I will provide updates on the cheapest and easiest way to stay in touch.  In the interim, log on to skype so we can try and reach one another.  And, if you are a verizon customer or own an iphone you can download skype mobile/skype to your cell phone and we can talk for free!