Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The Irony

At this point we've heard the "it" question dozens of times...."What is your favorite thing about living in Poland?"  In the first few months I quickly blurted out the most obvious answer, "The opportunity to travel all over Europe."  But, its funny how this response has evolved.  There is no doubt that Tom and I love the ability to travel all around Europe!  But, my most favorite thing about living here is the pace of life and focus of life.  Life is slower, simpler and more focused.  There is the chance to watch the sunset, notice the change of the seasons and literally smell the roses.  The focus of life over here is on those people that matter most - family and close friends.  Culturally, you are either in the very small "inner circle" or you are out.  Polish people do not waste time with acquaintances, frenemies, or "facebook"-esque friends. 
In many ways I feel like the Poles understand what is really and truly important in life and they don't just understand it -- but they live it everyday too!  I really appreciate this and it has shifted the lens by which I view life.  It has made me more laid back, easygoing and focused on the important people and dog that matter most to me. 
I find it ironic that moving 5000 miles away from home has made me slow down and fully realize what this life is truly about for me.  It's about the relationships - sharing, cherishing and celebrating life with those in that "inner circle".  Its about Tom and Charlie and those special people that are 5000 miles away.  I focus on living more in the moment and making sure I truly cherish my time with the ones I love. I made an extra effort to stay in the present while in the states over the holidays.  To cuddle my niece for one more minute when she snuck into bed with me in the mornings, to give my parents one more hug when we said goodbye, and to squeeze in one last visit with Tom's grandma.