Monday, December 2, 2013

Thanksgiving Polska Style!

Tom wanted to make sure his team got to truly experience Thanksgiving!  So, they all shared in a traditional American Thanksgiving feast on the big day complete with Turkey and Pumpkin Pie!  Charlie even got to take part in the celebration too.  After the work event, Tom and I joined a group of friends at the Hilton for a traditional Thanksgiving dinner. 
We feel thankful for so much this year...especially our little guy on the way!

Happy Thanksgiving from Poland!

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Work hard, play hard...

Tom had a business trip in Amsterdam a couple weeks ago.  And, of course, he managed to have some fun too!  

Only Tom recognized Barry Weiss from the TV show Pawn Stars on the streets of Amsterdam!  He offered to buy Tom a cup of coffee but he had to run to the airport.