Awesome Thing About Living in Europe #19: Winter Fashion Accessories
It is unseasonably cold over here in Warsaw right now. We have highs of -17 degrees Celsius (which is about 0 degrees farenheit). Although I braved ten Chicago winters I have never quite felt a cold like this one. It is bone chilling and gets to the core of your body. Its so cold that the minute you step outside and take a breath you can feel ice crystals forming in your nose. And, the cold weather has shut down the outdoor fruit and veggie market near our house as the produce (and workers) cannot be outside in this weather for long periods of time. Needless to say Charlie and I are taking quick walks and hoping this bitter cold ends soon.
One of the only bright spots of the cold is watching all of the Poles dress for it. They are seasoned pros and bundle up. I have never seen such an amazing variety of fur hats before. They come in every shape and color you can imagine and there seems to be one rule - the bigger the better. And, even all of the men wear them too. While at first thinking they looked a little over the top they are really growing on me. I might have to invest in one for the winters over here.
I'm thinking I can see you sporting number 1 or 6.